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Anglet, France – Alcore Brigantine is pleased to announce their recent qualification to the Boeing Company’s BAC 5317 Process Specification. Boeing notified Alcore Brigantine they were approved for manufacturing honeycomb core details and bonded core assemblies. This specification establishes the requirements for material usage and approved process fabrication of Advanced Composite Laminate and Honeycomb Sandwich Structural Parts for Boeing commercial aircraft programs. The qualification process involved the coordinated efforts of operations and engineering teams at Alcore Brigantine, Inc. Alcore Brigantine, Inc. offers broad manufacturing capabilities in structural core materials technology in Europe. This includes both aluminum and non-metallic honeycomb in aerospace and commercial grades, with in-house design and special processing expertise. Alcore Brigantine, Inc. is a subsidiary of the M.C. Gill Corporation.
For additional information:
Carrie Copeland – Marketing Communication Manager
M.C. Gill Corporation
Phone: 626-443-4022 ext. 2257
Fax: 626-350-5880
Email: ccopeland@mcgillcorp.com
The Gill Corporation
4056 Easy Street
El Monte, CA 91731-1087
P +1 (626) 443-6094
E info@thegillcorp.com