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El Monte, California – Stephen Gill, Chairman and CEO of M.C. Gill Corporation, is pleased to announce the Boeing Company has recognized M.C. Gill Corporation again, with their 2013 Boeing Performance Excellence Award. M.C. Gill Corporation received the Boeing Supplier of the Year Award in 2007.
M.C. Gill Corporation has again achieved a Silver performance rating under Boeing’s Supplier Performance Measurement (SPM). Boeing’s criteria are based on overall supplier performance as reported in the Boeing Enterprise Supplier Tool (BEST). Silver status is awarded to suppliers who exceed the Boeing expectations for quality and delivery performance over a one year period of time.
M.C. Gill Corporation and its’ subsidiaries; Alcore Inc, Alcore Brigantine, Castle Industries, and M.C. Gill Europe are vertically integrated to offer advanced composite material solutions for the 21st century. M.C. Gill Corporation is headquartered in El Monte, CA.
For additional information:
Carrie Copeland – Marketing Communication Manager
M.C. Gill Corporation
Phone: 626-443-4022 ext. 2257
Fax: 626-350-5880
Email: ccopeland@mcgillcorp.com
The Gill Corporation
4056 Easy Street
El Monte, CA 91731-1087
P +1 (626) 443-6094
E info@thegillcorp.com