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El Monte, California – M.C. Gill Corporation is pleased to announce the release of two informational vodcasts detailing the features and benefits of GillFISTS on www.Youtube.com. The vodcasts are part of a social media campaign launched by M.C. Gill Corporation in 2012. The campaign includes Facebook, LinkedIn and corporate Twitter pages.
In 2011, M.C. Gill Corporation secured patent# 7,842,147 for GillFISTS: Foamed In-situ Thermosetting System. The GillFISTS material offers improved thermal insulation, better acoustic management and superior damage tolerance.
Vodcast #1 is found at: http://youtu.be/KcpXUKp9yOQ Podcast #2 is found at: http://youtu.be/55L6Az5uxnc.
M.C. Gill Corporation and its’ subsidiaries; Alcore Inc, Alcore Brigantine, Castle Industries, and M.C. Gill Europe are vertically integrated to offer advanced composite material solutions for the 21st century. M.C. Gill Corporation is headquartered in El Monte, CA.
For additional information:
Carrie Copeland – Marketing Communications Manager
M.C. Gill Corporation
Phone: 626-443-4022 ext. 2257
Fax: 626-350-5880
Email: ccopeland@mcgillcorp.com
The Gill Corporation
4056 Easy Street
El Monte, CA 91731-1087
P +1 (626) 443-6094
E info@thegillcorp.com