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El Monte, California –M.C. Gill Corporation is proud to participate in recognition of World War II hero Pfc. Wilbur N. Carmichael. Pfc. Carmichael was awarded two Silver Stars, one Bronze Star and the Purple Heart for valorous conduct and bravery while serving in Company D, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. He died on the field of battle in Valmontone, Italy. Pfc. Carmichael is from San Gabriel, California and was buried in the historic Savannah Memorial Park in Rosemead, California. A ceremony was held on Veterans Day, November 11, 2008, to unveil a new headstone marking his place of burial. Chairman and CEO Stephen Gill has been a strong supporter of the historic Savannah Memorial Park and similar community projects. He is proud to contribute to the project to recognize the sacrifices made by this heroic member of the United States military. M.C. Gill Corporation is the oldest, continuously operating manufacturer of reinforced plastics – called “composites” – in the world. M.C. Gill Corporation is headquartered in El Monte, CA.
For additional information:
Carrie Copeland – Marketing Communication Manager
M.C. Gill Corporation
Phone: 626-443-4022 ext. 2257
Fax: 626-350-5880
Email: ccopeland@mcgillcorp.com
The Gill Corporation
4056 Easy Street
El Monte, CA 91731-1087
P +1 (626) 443-6094
E info@thegillcorp.com